2025 Leadership Team


Rev. David Wesley Donnan

Chair Church Council

Jonathan Porter

Secretary Church Council

Angelyne Sheffield

Lay Leader

Vic Flournoy


Wendy Durrence

Annual Conference Delegate

David Smith

Nominations (Selects Leaders)

*Rev. David Donnan (Chair)

Brian Wiggins (25)

Renna Helman (25)

Lindsay Thomas (26)

Anna Rogers (27)

Daniel Smith (27)

Vic Flournoy (Lay Leader)

Pastor Parish Relations (Human Resources)

Greg Woolard (Chair, 26)

Beth Whiten (25)

Drew Thomas (25)

Laura Ann Hart (27)

Bob Rutkowski (27)

Vic Flournoy (Lay Leader)

David Smith (AC Delegate)

*Rev. David Donnan

Finance Committee

Will Sheffield (Chair)

TBD (Trustee)

Dan. Smith (Church Council)

Aimee Ray (Secretary)

Greg Woolard (PPR)

Vic Flournoy (Lay Leader)

Wendy Durrence (Treasurer)

David Smith (AC Delegate)

Abe Parker (25)

Kelly Durrence (25)

Jake Helman (26)

Connie Rogers (26)

Will Sheffield Jr. (27)

*Rev. David Donnan


Addie Wiggins (25)

T.J. Quarles (25)

Joe Thigpen (26)

Lacey Parker (26)

Brian Rogers (26)

Tim Bland (27)

Shawnda White (27)

*Rev. David Donnan


Fran Salvadore (Chair, 25)

Mary Anne Cabbage (Worship Leader)

Judy Blocker (Organ)

Angie Whiten (A/V)

Judy Bland

Bob Rutkowski (Altar, 26)

Phylis Smith (27)

*Rev. David Donnan

Missions Committee

Charlton Rogers (Chair, 27)

Andy Whiten (25)

Mary Alice Danner (25)

Amanda Johnson (26)

David White (26)

Quinn Flournoy (27)

*Rev. David Donnan


Greg Woolard (PPR)

Lindsay Thomas (Chair, 25)

Karen Bland (25)

Faith Yarbrough (26)

Brayden Sheffield (27)

Lynn Sikes (27)

*Rev. David Donnan

Safe Sanctuaries

Jarad Huffman (Chair)

Brandy Donnan (SSS)

Anna Rogers (Youth Director)

Kacey Rogers (Children Co.)

Laura Anne Hart (Nursery)

*Rev. David Donnan

Children and Youth Council

Sasha Quarles (Chair)

Brandy Donnan (SSS)

Anna Rogers (Youth Director)

Kacey Rogers (Children Co., 26))

Laura Anne Hart (Nursery)

TBD (Youth Co.)

Ansley Rogers (25)

Ashlan Porter (27)

*Rev. David Donnan

Other Vital Ministry Areas

Julianne Hearn (Crisis)

Leanne Durrence (Prayer)

Dylan Mulligan (Historian)

Kelly Durrence (Higher Ed)

Kayce Rogers (Children Min)

TBD (Youth Co.)

Laura Anne Hart (Nursery)

Jesse Johnson (Prime Time and Fellowship Meals)

Sherrie Wasson (Sr. Adults)

Brandy Donnan (Sunday School Superintendent)

Church Council
Meets 5-8 times a year. Can have meetings at any time called by chair.

Members of Church Council


Rev. David Donnan

Chair Church Council

Jonathan Porter

Secretary Church Council

Angelyne Sheffield

Lay Leader

Vic Flournoy


Wendy Durrence

Annual Conference Delegate

David Smith

Pastor Parish Relations (Human Resources)

Greg Woolard (Chair, 26)

Finance Committee

Will Sheffield (Chair)


Chair of Trustees


Lindsay Thomas

Sunday School Superintendent

Brandy Donnan

Youth President

Chair of Missions Ministries

Charlton Rogers


Fran Salvadore (Chair, 25)

Children and Youth Council

Sasha Quarles (Chair)


Laura Anne Hart  

Coordinator of Children’s Ministry

Ashlan Porter

Coordinator of Youth


Coordinator of Senior Adult Ministry

Sherrie Wasson

Coordinator of Prime Time & Fellowship Meals

Jesse Johnson

Prayer Ministry Coordinator

LeAnne Durrence

Chair of Higher Education and Campus Ministry

Kelly Durrence

Church Historian

Dylan Mulligan

Chair of Evangelism

Alice Bianco

Membership Secretary

Sharon Durrence

Safe Sanctuaries

Jared Huffman

At Large

Brian Threlkeld

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